Red and Blue Eventually Make Purple


When I started showing cattle as a 7year old I thought I was going to win it all. I was ready for those purple ribbons and the shiny trophies.

Unfortunately it took a while to get my first purple ribbon. I showed for 2 years and received several blues and reds but then I showed my very first market steer at the age of 9.

By this time I had attended countess shows and could probably fit a cow all by myself, I didn’t need much supervision when with my cattle because I knew it all. I’m not being cocky, just stating a fact that I had worked so hard for the past 2 years I finally knew what I was doing. That isn’t to say I didn’t need my older siblings or parents help, I needed them more than anything.

Anyways back to the story, I had never wanted to show a steer until I wanted a bean bag and as a 9yr old I didn’t have the funds for one. BUT they were SOOO cool! I mean they aren’t anymore but man when they came out they were the thing to have! So I decided I would just ask my dad for the money and him knowing I didn’t want to show a steer told me the only way he would buy me the bean bag I wanted I would have to show a steer this year.

I thought about this for a long, hard 10 minutes…

“Okay, I will show a steer.” How bad could it really be?

It turned out to be the greatest decision of my show career. After receiving a few more red and blues I eventually ended up at the County Fair. This is when I received my first shiny trophy and purple ribbon.

Walking in to the show ring I held my head high as I showed off my awesome steer to the judge. I just knew today was my day. Sure enough he started placing them from last to first.

Slowly one after one the other steers were put in their placing and before I knew it I was the only one left not in a place. I was directed to go stand in the first place spot. I was so happy, I knew this was only a first in the class but it gave me a chance for that grand champion ribbon.

Later on I entered in for the champion market steer class and as the judged slowly walked around I felt like I was going to throw up from the anticipation. Before he made his selection he was sure to take his time!

My arm was tired, my steer was restless and I felt like I could pee my pants from the long wait.

But then… he walked up to my steer and shook my hand. At the time I wasn’t sure what was going on, like did I really just win?

My thoughts were confirmed as a voice came over the speaker and announced that I had won Champion Market Steer.

That was the first of many purple ribbons to follow, just goes to show that hard work and dedication really does pay off in the end.

Image: Google