It’s Never Too Late To Thank Your Parents


I have learned several things from my parents and am grateful for every lesson they have taught me. I see kids particularly teens every day take their parents for granted and I just wish they could realize that one day their parents won’t be there to help them up when they fall.  I’m a lucky person to have two loving parents and I hope they know how much I appreciate them.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you.

You will never know the amount of love and appreciation I have for you, because it is more than I can express.

I’m thankful that you not only taught me what it means to be a hard worker but you also taught me how to be ethical. You taught me to always be grateful for what I have and to dream big. You also taught me how to me a lady.. well at least how to be a lady in public. You taught me to not only know right from wrong but to recognize when I am in the wrong and to fight for what is right.

I’m so happy you chose to raise my siblings and I on a farm, I feel like we all learned a lot of lessons we might not have learned elsewhere. Looking back I’m really glad you didn’t let us have one of those fancy gaming systems or have cell phones at a super young age. Instead I learned how to have fun and occupy my time without technology which is something most kids these days probably would struggle with.

I could go on for days about how grateful I am to have two awesome parents like you and I could list a million things you have taught me so I will only list a few more.

Mom, you taught me how to be the person that I am today and to be proud of who I am. When dad got sick you taught me how to be strong and what it meant to love someone through the good time and the hard times.

Dad,  you taught me many lessons through all of the chores and work you had me do. You taught me how to be a good sportsman and to congratulate those who beat me in the show ring instead of throwing a pitty party for myself ( sometimes I still wanted to do that).  You also taught me that farming is a necessity and a great way of live. Most importantly you taught me to fight like hell when faced with a difficult challenge to over come it, rather than to give up.

You have both taught me many lessons in my 23 (almost 24 years) and I love you every day for teaching me how to be the person I am today. Thank you for raising me to be a self-sufficient, independent, responsible young lady.


Your Show Kid.